Monday, August 26, 2013

21st birhday!

 Trevor made my birthday SO special! I am so lucky he is my husband! It started out perfect, he made me delicious swedish pancakes for breakfast, and then we headed out to the beach for the day. After the beach we went out to my favorite restaurant for dinner- Olive Garden. I have been craving that lately, especially now that food is FINALLY starting to sound good to me- YAY! 
After Olive Garden we headed home to open presents. I had no idea but sneaky Trevor even bought me my favorite ice cream cake!

When I opened the large present in this picture above, it was a sewing machine carrying case- empty of course- with this note in it. 
So I looked in the oven... and my sewing machine was in there!! Trevor is SO amazing! I have wanted a sewing machine my whole life! I LOVE to sew, and have just always been able to borrow my someone's for projects that I work on. But now I have one of my very own! I feel so lucky! I went out today to buy fabric to start working on projects for our sweet baby. I am so grateful for Trevor, he always treats me like a queen and always knows how to make me feel special.

Thursday, August 1, 2013


Our sweet little baby is a BOY!! Trevor and I are so excited!! It was the most amazing experience getting to see our baby moving around, hiccupping, yawning, and sucking his thumb while we were getting the ultrasound done! We are both so in love with him already! 
We decided to make one last quick appointment with our doctor in Utah before we moved to California and had our ultrasound scheduled for the day before we move. The whole week leading up to our appointment seemed like a lifetime! The only thing Trevor and I could talk about was "Is our baby a boy or a girl, I can't wait to find out, I'm going crazy!" The night before I could hardly sleep! Our appointment was scheduled for 8:15 am, which isn't so early, except that I had to start drinking water at 6:45. You are supposed to drink 32oz of water at least an hour before your appointment and then hold it and not go to the bathroom clear until the appointment is over. That was the only hard part about the whole day. By the time the appointment came around I felt like I was about to explode, but I didn't even care because I just wanted to know about our baby! 
When our ultrasound tech got him up on the screen he was moving around all over the place! He is definitely an active little boy! It took the tech quite awhile to find out the gender because his umbilical cord was placed conveniently right between his legs. So after about a half hour of trying to find out, the tech finally said, "Gosh, that umbilical cord is just in the right place, I almost couldn't see his boy part." I guess we were kind of more expecting her to say, "It's a boy, or it's a girl," so it took a couple seconds to register and then Trevor said, "So wait, it's a boy?!" She nodded her head and we both screamed we were so excited! There were definitely some happy tears shed. 
I'm so excited for him to get here! I hope he turns out to be just like Trevor. 

It's been so fun to be able to finally start feeling him moving around! It makes me so happy and excited! I just love him so much!