Wednesday, February 29, 2012

never going to complain about going to Walmart again!

So here's a funny story..

Last Friday, I had an extra long day at school, and then an extra long day at work, with foresight of an EXTRA long working weekend. Needless to say, not so much of a happy camper here. When I got home from work, all I wanted to do was take a very long nap (and by nap I mean go to bed at 6 pm). So I asked Trevor to come take a nap with me. You probably don't know this about Trevor, but he is the worst nap taker ever. When I say nap, I think he registers it as lay down for 30 seconds and then it's time to get up and do something with our lives. So when I asked him to take a nap, this is exactly what happened. He laid down for 30 seconds and then got up because he decided we absolutely had to go to Walmart. What the heck? Exhausted+Walmart = worst disaster ever. So of course I was refusing to go. My sweet husband sat in the car for probably 30 minutes begging and trying to convince me that it was necessary to go to walmart, this whole time I was trying to imagine why on earth he wouldn't just go shopping by himself. 
So finally I got myself out of bed and went out to the car. The whole car ride I was pulling the silent treatment. When we got to the stop light where you can turn right and go to Walmart, Trevor went straight onto the freeway. As you can imagine, I was very confused. I was so tired and my brain wasn't up for processing things. Trevor had the cutest smile on his face and said, "Surprise! We're going to Zion for the weekend." I looked in the back seat and he had our bags all packed and everything. 
What a sweetheart!
And yes. You better believe I felt like the biggest brat on earth. 
This was just what I needed. We stayed in the Cable Mountain Lodge, and my whole family was there. Aunts/ Uncles and cousins. And we even got to eat at Oscars in the morning! Such a fun trip.
Breakfast. This picture does not do it justice. It actually kind of looks completely disgusting. But in reality, it is disgustingly good! It is gigantic but I could totally eat the whole thing by myself!! If you ever go to Oscar's you need to try out the Horseshoe
We got back from Zion in the early afternoon and decided to hike the Red Hills in St. George. This was one of my favorite things to do growing up, and this was where Trevor proposed to me so I was excited to show Trevor some of the places where we hike up there. 
There is a place on the Red Hills that my family calls "the narrows", who knows if that is really the name, but thats what we refer to it as. This little crack in the mountain is the narrows.
Trevor is brave and decided to try it out with me. This little slit in the Mountain is about 200 yds long and it is so thin it is about 1 foot in width. I hadn't gone through it in a few years, and sad to say I'm a little bigger now than I was then, so it was so hard to squish through there! Talk about claustrophobic! Trevor was afraid he was stuck for a second. It was pretty scary.
If you're ever at the Red Hills, you'll have to try it out!
At the end! Finally able to come out!
I was more scared to stand over it than to wedge my way through it!
Trevor is just the best!

I love St. George!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentines Day!

Yay!! I LOVE Valentines day! Trevor always makes it such a fun day. Last year was the best, he totally surprised me and it was so perfect, so I was wondering if he could top last year, and what he had up his sleeve for this year. He definitely delivered!
Valentines day started early this year. Trevor has class at 8, so that he means he wakes up at 7,
which means I had to wake up at 6 to go get breakfast in bed for him. 
Totally worth it. We never get the chance to eat breakfast together so it was really fun. 
Trevor knows I can't handle surprises, so he took EXTRA long on dinner, and closed the door to the kitchen so I couldn't peek. This is what I was staring at for like an hour and a half. 
How cute is he! I love his face in this. He made THE BEST dinner for us. 

Red velvet cake. My favorite. 

Thursday, February 9, 2012

5 months!

Trevor and I have been married 5 months today! Holy Cow! Time is just flying by. Can I just say that I LOVE being married to Trevor. He is my very best friend and he knows me better than anyone else in the whole world (that could be a bad thing, but he loves me anyway). Trevor is the most fun guy ever, he is always coming up with the funnest ideas and is always surprising me. I just love him!

I have all of these orphan pictures that I meant to do a post on, but just got too busy. So i've adopted them into this "random past events" post.

I bet you can't name another person who owns a three man sleeping bag. Yep that's right. Trevor's brother Cody got us this awesome sleeping bag for our wedding. That's what gave us the idea to do the camping trip (refer to Camping 101).
It's a tradition in my family to go to the rodeo (Dixie Roundup) every Septemeber. I wasn't quite ready to let this tradition go, so I convinced Trevor to tag along with me this year. 
I think he liked it?
Best birthday present ever! Trevor is so cute and got us front row seats to see The Little Mermaid at Tuacahn. I absolutely loved it! I could tell we definitely had the best seats in the house when in the middle of "Under the Sea", Sebastian jumped off the stage and hugged (kind of attacked) us. Best part of the whole show.
Oscar's Cafe in Zion. Best breakfast ever. This may or may not have been on our honeymoon.
Trevor always has to get the picture with santa at the Nativity at Tuacahn. It's totally the same santa every year too. This new picture is my favorite though. Look at Trevor's hand, he's totally acting like he's besties with Santa.
I love him!
This was the first day I got my best friend back after being gone all summer. Of course we had to document it. Next to our wedding day, and getting engaged, this was the best day of my life.
Christmas Eve tradition: lunch at Panda Garden. This is such a fun tradition for my family.
Last year Trevor came with us when we were just dating. He ordered the Kung Pao chicken and I guess being in Germany for two years made him forget that you're not supposed to eat the little dark red peppers they have on the plate for decoration. Poor guy, his eyes were watering, and he had to drink five glasses of water before he could get rid of the spicyness. He was so cute, this was one of those little moments that got me hooked.

 These have been the best, funnest (is that a word) 5 months of my life!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Cowboy Trevor

My grandpa Lynn has had horses since my mom was a little girl, so I grew up with horses and the corrals just down the street from my house. Trevor, however, said he has only ridden a horse once in his life. I've been trying to get Trevor to go ride the horses down at my grandpa's ever since we started dating, but we just haven't had the opportunity. So over Christmas break, when my mom's friend asked if she wanted to go riding, I asked if Trevor and I could tag along. 
 He was such a natural! He got the horse all curried, cleaned out the horse's hooves, and even got him all saddled. 

Trevor said he wanted the most "thug" horse in the whole place. His horse's name was Tattoo, how fitting
It was such a fun day!

Oh Deer!

There has been a deer invasion at the White house.
One morning I woke up, and went into the kitchen to make some breakfast. I could hear something in our backyard, so I went to the window to check it out.
Scared me to death!
 These were the two guys who started it all, then they went back and told their little deer friends and now we have five of them. 
 This guy likes to chill out on our front porch
 They're kind of like our family pets now. They all have names and everything.

I may or may not have been feeding them carrots. I'm hoping the whole "if you feed them, they'll keep coming back" cat theory applies here