Monday, December 2, 2013

Baby Shower

I am so grateful to everyone who helped out with my baby shower at home this past weekend! It was so fun to be able to see family and friends and get to celebrate baby Jack!

Maternity Pictures

So glad my sweet friend Mandy could take our maternity pictures for us! 
They turned out perfect.

Monday, November 18, 2013

South Pas Baby Shower

 Last Saturday, my sweet friends here in South Pasadena threw me the most amazing baby shower! It was so thoughtful of them and so fun to get together with everyone. I got the cutest clothes and gifts for little baby Jack. I can't wait for him to get here! Trevor and I are SO ready for him to make his grand arrival! 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Trevor and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary yesterday! I can't believe it has already been two years since our perfect wedding day! Trevor had school all day and then went straight from school to his White Coat Ceremony, so it was a busy day! His White Coat Ceremony was such a neat experience. I'm so glad I was able to be there with him! I am so proud of Trevor for the amazing hard worker he is. He is just going to excel in dental school because of his dedication to his schooling. It's been so fun to see him studying his dental instruments. I kind of like to pretend I'm in dental school too, and try to have him explain what he has learned every day in school.

 After his White Coat Ceremony we headed home for some dinner I had made. We had shrimp scampi and salad for dinner, with strawberry shortcake for dessert. We decided to go out to eat last Saturday at Souplantation, because we knew it would be a late night last night. So we got two yummy anniversary dinners. Trevor surprised me with our anniversary gift, it is a Kitchen Aid mixer! I am so excited to start using it! And he is always so thoughtful and got me the most beautiful flowers. It was such a special day! I love being married to Trevor. He is so perfect and I feel so blessed that we found each other. I am so excited for this new chapter in our lives, to become parents. Trevor is going to be the most amazing father. He is already so loving to our baby, I can't wait to see him when our baby is born. I feel so blessed to have Trevor as my eternal companion! 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


 One of the many perks of living in South Pasadena is getting to live so close to Disneyland! Trevor and I are big Disneyland fans, so we have been dying to go lately.
We decided to make our first trip (of many) last Saturday! We got talked into getting annual passes, and  it was so nice to be able to just relax and enjoy the day and not feel rushed to ride every single ride. I can't wait to go back for Halloween and Christmas time and get to see all of the cute decorations! It will be so much fun to be able to take little baby J when he is born too!
 We found this cute little shop in downtown Disney and had to snap a shot of this "dentist in training" :)
As you can see, I (and baby) am getting giant! At our appointment last week, we got another routine ultrasound done of the baby, and our doctor looked at us and said.. "Okay.. which one of you was a big baby?" So I pointed at Trevor since he was 9 1/2 lbs and 24 inches long, and she said "Oh, thats why. This is going to be a big baby!" So little baby J is growing great! (a little too great :) and he is definitely taking after his daddy! He is just comfy as can be and looking healthy as ever. His kicks are SO strong now. It is so fun for other people to not only feel, but SEE him move in my tummy. It's almost like he is doing summersaults in there sometimes! It is the funnest thing for Trevor and I when we lay down at night to watch him kick and move my tummy up and down. He is a little entertainer already! 
Trevor is loving dental school, so I am so happy and excited for him! He started working with his hand piece last week for the first time, so I made sure he documented it! I am so proud of him and excited for these next four years! Such exciting times ahead!
P.s. that jar that Trevor is holding is full of extracted teeth that Trevor has been collecting. He had the assignment before school started to collect 300 teeth to work on. Boy am I glad to get those things out of the house!

Monday, August 26, 2013

21st birhday!

 Trevor made my birthday SO special! I am so lucky he is my husband! It started out perfect, he made me delicious swedish pancakes for breakfast, and then we headed out to the beach for the day. After the beach we went out to my favorite restaurant for dinner- Olive Garden. I have been craving that lately, especially now that food is FINALLY starting to sound good to me- YAY! 
After Olive Garden we headed home to open presents. I had no idea but sneaky Trevor even bought me my favorite ice cream cake!

When I opened the large present in this picture above, it was a sewing machine carrying case- empty of course- with this note in it. 
So I looked in the oven... and my sewing machine was in there!! Trevor is SO amazing! I have wanted a sewing machine my whole life! I LOVE to sew, and have just always been able to borrow my someone's for projects that I work on. But now I have one of my very own! I feel so lucky! I went out today to buy fabric to start working on projects for our sweet baby. I am so grateful for Trevor, he always treats me like a queen and always knows how to make me feel special.