Thursday, June 20, 2013

Trevor's 24th Birthday

Trevor's birthday started out with the traditional waking up to the room toilet papered! I loved growing up with this tradition in my family, it's just one extra thing that makes your day feel special, so I have to let Trevor experience it too :)

For breakfast, instead of the traditional breakfast in bed, we decided to go to our favorite breakfast place! It is called Oscars Cafe and it is in Zion National Park. They have the yummiest food, it was so fun to start out the day with Oscars! After breakfast we hiked around a bit in Zion.
Trevor is really cute because he always requests a home-made meal for his birthday dinner, instead of going out to eat somewhere. So for dinner we had potatoes, steak and asparagus.
 Trevor's favorite cake is the "Death by Chocolate Bundt" cake. It really is a killer, it's 10 lbs of chocolate heaven. I'm not even going to go into detail with all of the ingredients but let's just say there is a whole MEGA (not regular) size bag of chocolate chips in it. I really think you would probably die if you tried to eat the whole thing. So this is the one time a year I make it, just special for Trevor's birthday. It's okay to splurge on the chocolate just once a year right?

 I'm so grateful and blessed to have Trevor as my husband. He is the sweetest man in the whole world! This past year has been such an eventful year and I'm so glad I got to experience it all with Trevor. I feel like I got front row tickets to see all of the hard work he has put into getting accepted to dental school. It was definitely not an easy task. He makes every experience (good or bad) so much better. He is the hardest worker and is so determined and dedicated in everything he does. He is going to be the best dad to our sweet little baby. I just love him so much! Happy Birthday Trevor!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Baby Love

 Surprise! Trevor and I are expecting a BABY! We could not be more excited!!
We first found out a few months ago. I hadn't been feeling very well, I thought something was seriously wrong with me. I kept feeling like I was going to pass out and had some slight nausea, but I wasn't really thinking I was pregnant until I had a really neat experience happen to me at work. I work with adults that have mental disabilities and I love my job. One day at work I was reading a book to a client who has Down's Syndrome when she stopped me and put her hand on my stomach and said "You're having a baby!" I told her I wasn't and went back to reading, she stopped me again and said "Yes, you're having a baby!" It kind of caught me by surprise because she was so sure she was right and was kind of upset when I kept telling her I wasn't. I couldn't stop thinking about that experience all day. I went home and told Trevor about it and he was just as shocked as I was. So we decided to go buy some pregnancy tests. I still wasn't thinking I was pregnant and I felt really silly about taking a test, so after Trevor left for work early in the morning, I decided what the heck it won't hurt to just take one test. So I got out of bed, took the test and waited a couple of minutes... TWO LINES showed up. I couldn't believe it! I started crying and let out a squeal of excitement, I had to take two more tests just to be sure that it was real. I called Trevor right away and told him to come home. We were both on cloud 9 for the whole rest of the day. I didn't even want to go to work, I just wanted to talk to Trevor about our sweet baby all day. We have both been looking forward to this day and were so excited it was finally here! It is the perfect timing and we know that we are being so blessed. 
I've been feeling really good for the most part, definitely tired and I have my nausea and throwing up times but I'm grateful for those because it means our baby is healthy! Trevor was making fun of me because I woke up one morning and was feeling great. No nausea, no throwing up, just perfectly normal. I started freaking out thinking something was wrong and just kept telling Trevor I wish I was feeling sick. Trevor said, "Be careful what you ask for." Sure enough half an hour later I ended up over the sink in the bathroom. So now I know, if I can get a couple of hours in of feeling great, then I will take it and not complain! :) Trevor has been the best husband through all of this. He is always doing the sweetest things and is so good about making sure me and the baby get what we need.
I'm so extremely excited and grateful for this sweet baby that is going to be joining our family! Trevor and I already love it so much. I look at the cute ultrasound pictures every day, I can't wait for it to get here!

Doesn't it just look so cute already!! Ah, I'm so in love.
Coming December 2013!