My mom is so awesome and always made my (and my sibling's) birthday extra special. She always decorates the house up, and of course on your birthday you always wake up to your room toilet papered from the toilet paper fairy, so I had to keep these traditions alive for Trevor's birthday!

I am so grateful I got to spend Trevor's birthday with him this year! He is SO amazing, I just can't say it enough. I can't even begin to tell how much I lucked out by marrying this guy. He treats me so amazing, I couldn't ask for anything more. He is the hardest worker I have ever met, and has the sweetest heart. I don't think he could be mean to anyone ever, even if he tried. He has the most amazing personality! You will never ever see Trev let a bad day get him down, he is always so upbeat and positive, it is such a blessing in our home. I love his strong testimony and how he honors his priesthood. Not only am I so blessed, but our kids will be too to have such an amazing example as their dad. Before I met Trevor I had this little checklist that I made as a beehive in young womens of what I expected my future husband to be like, and let me tell you I stuck to that. When I met Trevor, he blew that list completely out of the water. He was everything and more that I wanted my husband to be, and I sure knew pretty quick that he was the one I was looking for.
Happy 23rd birthday Trevor!! I love you so much!!