I am the luckiest girl in the world to be Trevor's wife! We have been married 2 months today and they have been the happiest, most fun 2 months of my life. I have just been feeling so grateful for Trevor lately, so I wanted to write down some things I love about him.
He's my best friend
Trevor is SO good to me. I love how he is always trying to find ways to surprise me and he always comes up with the most fun dates.
I love the faces Trevor pulls. He is always making me laugh and can always make a bad day turn into a good one. I love that we can be nerds together and have so much fun.
I love it when I come home from work and find things like this laying around my house
(read this ^ , it's good)
I love how sweet Trevor is with me. He has treated me like a queen from day one. He knows all about "5 minute shoes" and helps me out when I decide to wear them.
I love how he will randomly start dancing with me.
I love how he trusts me with anything. (No... I had never cut hair before)
I love how he loves my family, and I especially love how he is my little brother's idol.

I love how he has little "trevor moments" and rips up a cashier check and we end up having to tape together hundreds of little pieces of paper.
I love how he likes to cook with me, (and sometimes he just does it for me!)
I love how fun it is to travel with him. He is all about travel treats and he always makes the road trips seem a lot shorter than they really are.
I love how smart Trevor is and how if he puts his mind to something he will accomplish it. I love his strong testimony and that he was such a great missionary. I love how he pays so much attention to me and makes me feel like the most important thing in the world.
Trevor is just the best.
I love him so so much and I am so blessed to be sealed to him forever.